Roblox Bedwars Commands is one of the most played games available, and the players are always keen to test out custom matches within the game.
Bedwars is a well-known Roblox Game that follows the bedwars mechanics of the game, which allows you to collect materials and upgrade to protect your bed and smash the beds of your adversaries.
Recently, the creators of the Roblox game added additional commands for the customized match mode, which will allow players to tweak the game to make it easier or less challenging.
Below we have a complete list of commands currently being offered in the game, as well as an overview of what they can do. This isn’t a complete list, but we anticipate it to be updated as the development team continues to work on the game!
Table of Contents
BedWars Commands Guide
All actions within Roblox BedWars are done in the chat window in the game. It is opened by clicking the chat icon located at the upper left corner of the screen or by pressing the “/” key on your keyboard. It is essential to include the “/” with your keystrokes; otherwise, it won’t work.
If a Roblox Bedwars Commands contains parenthesis, it expects users to enter the parameters listed. For instance, when it reads “(player),” you would include the player’s display name or username instead: /tp examples_player. The X symbolizes a number, and you must change it to the amount you want.
Team Generator Roblox Bedwars Command (Updated)
Command Syntax | Description |
/announce Message | It sends out a notification to all game players. Replace the Message with the information you would like to declare. |
/blacklistitem Item Name | Restricts this product from use in the matching custom made. Change ItemName by the name of the product you want to get rid of. Underscores must separate items that contain multiple words. |
/cohost all | Allows all co-hosts to host as well as access to host panels. |
/disablekit KitName | This kit can be disabled from being utilized in the custom match. Change KitName to the name of the kit you wish to eliminate. |
/disaster DisasterName | The specified disaster is spawned during the gameplay. Change DisasterName by the one you’d prefer cause to occur. |
/enchant EnchantmentName_Level | The command applies the Enchantment specified on the command. Replace the EnchantmentName with the Enchantment’s name and then replace the Level with the Level of Enchantment to which you’d like to be applied. |
/give @PlayerName | @all | @team:TeamColor ItemName Amount | Provides the players selected with the amount specified for the item selected. Change PlayerName and TeamColor to match the Name or the color of the team receiving the item. Replace ItemName and amount with the amount of the item to be given to players you have selected. |
/kick UserName | Change UserName by the Name of the person you wish to remove from the match. It is necessary to use the username of the user instead of their Display Name. |
/luckyairdrop | Airdrops 1- 10 Lucky Blocks in a random region in the maps. Lucky Blocks contain rare loot/weapons. |
/setDeathmatchTime XX | Sets the time when the countdown to deathmatch begins. Replace XXX with an amount of time you’ll need to stand in line until the deathmatch timer begins. |
/setGeneratorMultiplier XX | Sets the multiplier’s spawn rate for generators of resources. Replace XXX with an upper number to determine the spawn rate. The smaller the number, the quicker it will spawn! (.00001 means it will spawn quicker than 1000) |
/sethealthgreen Player RegenAmount | Modifies a player’s self-regen healing rate. Replace the player with your Name. Player you wish to alter, and then substitute RegenAmount using the healing rate. |
/spawn ItemName Amount | Creates one of the items you’ve chosen. You can replace ItemName with the title of the object. Then change the amount to reflect how much of the item you’d like. |
/togglespawn Name true/false | This toggles the spawning of the item. Replace Name with the name you’d like to create, and enter true if you wish to enable spawning. Type false if you want to stop the spawning of this item. |
/tp all | Teleports players to any point that is located on the map. |
/tpbed Color_bed | You can teleport to any bed in a team. Replace the color with that of the bed you wish to be teleported. |
/tp UserName | You can teleport to another user. You can replace UserName with the username of the player to whom you’d like to transfer. |
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Custom Match Commands List
/setac enabled – | This command will enable the anti-cheat feature. |
/setac disabled – | Make use of this command to turn off the anti-cheat feature. |
/void – | This command will teleport you to the Void |
/bedwars – | This command will take you to the BedWars lobby. |
/Islands – | This command will take the player to Roblox Islands |
/setTeam (player | @all | @team:(team_name)) (team_name) – | This command is used to determine the team of one or more players. |
/setHealth (player | @all | @team:(color) | @s) (health) – | You can use this command to adjust the health of one player, several players, or the entire team. |
/disaster (“meteors” | “void_rise” | “toxic_rain” | “tornado”) – | This command can be used to trigger manually one the natural catastrophes. |
/give (player) (@all) (@team: team_color) (item) (item amount) – | This command can grant an individual player, all players, or a certain team an item. |
/sethealthregen (player) (regen_amount) – | Use this command to establish the health regeneration of an individual player. |
/cohost all – | This command grants cohosting rights to everyone in the game. |
/enchant (enchantmentname_level – e.g., /enchant static_3) – | This command will make the enchantment that you’ve specified on the gamer. Add the underscore (_) following the name, followed by the number of levels you’d like to assign. |
/tp (player) – | The player is teleported to your username/display name that is entered. |
/tp (target_players) (destination_player) – | It is possible to teleport other players to a particular player. |
/tpall – | All players are transferred to the user. |
/tpbed (Ex. /tpbed red) – | You are teleported to the color bed team you select when you type the command. |
/spawn (item name) (amount) – | Create an item of a certain amount based on the input you provide. Below is the list of things you can do. |
/announce (message) – | The message is displayed through a pop-up that appears across the entire screen for all players who are part of Custom Match. Custom Match. |
/kick (player) – | This command can be used to remove a player from the Custom Match. You cannot utilize their Display Name, but you must use the Roblox username. You can find this by clicking on their username within the Player List. |
/setgeneratormultiplier (amount) – | The setting can increase or reduce the speeds of the Iron, Diamond, and Emerald generator. The first number represents the standard speed. 2 is twice as fast, and you can utilize the option -inf to maximize the speed. |
/blacklistItem (item name) – | This prevents the item in question from being purchased from the Item Shop. After this has been done, you won’t be able to activate it again until you launch another Custom Game, so only use it if certain. |
/disablekit (kit name) – | The named kit is disabled from being utilized within the currently active Custom Match. Once you’ve disabled the specific kit during the match, you’ll be unable to enable it again until you’ve made a new Custom Match. |
/setdeathmatchtime (seconds) – | Set the length of time you wish to spend on Your Custom Match before the Sudden Death Mode begins. |
/togglespawn (item name) (true/false) – | Allows or blocks the spawning of a specific object in-game. True will allow the item to be spawned, and false will disallow the item. |
/luckyairdrop – | This command will currently create a Lucky Block Airdrop at a random spot on the map. |
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Roblox Chat Commands List
/hub – It will take you back to Roblox’s BedWars Hub Roblox, where you can join various purchase kits and games and start a new game that you can make your own. You’ll be swiftly transferred to the most recent server if you’re already in the hub.
Enchantments Roblox Bedwars Command
Enchantments type | Enchantments |
Enchantments 1 | /enchant execute_3 |
Enchantments 2 | /enchant static_3 |
Enchantments 3 | /enchant fire_3 |
Enchantments 4 | /enchant shield_gen_3 |
Enchantments 5 | /enchant shield_gen_1 |
Enchantments 6 | /enchant rapid_regen_2 |
Enchantments 7 | /enchant clingy_2 |
Enchantments 8 | /enchant shield_gen_2 |
Enchantments 9 | /enchant critical_strike_3 |
Enchantments 10 | /enchant static_1 |
Enchantments 11 | /enchant rapid_regen_3 |
Enchantments 12 | /enchant void_3 |
Enchantments 13 | /enchant rapid_regen_1 |
Enchantments 14 | /enchant critical_strike_1 |
Enchantments 15 | /enchant plunder_2 |
Enchantments 16 | /enchant static_2 |
Enchantments 17 | /enchant anti_knockback_2 |
Enchantments 18 | /enchant fire_2 |
Enchantments 19 | /enchant updraft_2 |
Enchantments 20 | /enchant fire_1 |
Enchantments 21 | /enchant life_steal_2 |
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Top 26 Roboblox command for Spawn Armor Items (UPDATED)
Type Of Armor | Spawn Armor Items |
Armor 1 | /spawn iron_helmet |
Armor 2 | /spawn emerald_boots |
Armor 3 | /spawn speed_boots |
Armor 4 | /spawn warrior_helmet |
Armor 5 | /spawn diamond_boots |
Armor 6 | /spawn void_helmet |
Armor 7 | /spawn iron_boots |
Armor 8 | /spawn jump_boots |
Armor 9 | /spawn void_boots |
Armor 10 | /spawn emerald_helmet |
Armor 11 | /spawn void_chestplate |
Armor 12 | /spawn emerald_chestplate |
Armor 13 | /spawn juggernaut_chestplate |
Armor 14 | /spawn void_boots |
Armor 15 | /spawn diamond_chestplate |
Armor 16 | /spawn warrior_boots |
Armor 17 | /spawn void_helmet |
Armor 18 | /spawn juggernaut_boots |
Armor 19 | /spawn iron_chestplate |
Armor 20 | /spawn void_chestplate |
Armor 21 | /spawn leather_helmet |
Armor 22 | /spawn diamond_helmet |
Armor 23 | /spawn leather_chestplate |
Armor 24 | /spawn leather_boots |
Armor 25 | /spawn juggernaut_helmet |
Armor 26 | /spawn warrior_chestplate |
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Top 44 Spawn Weapon Items
Weapon Items | Weapon ItemsCommand |
Weapon Items 1 | /spawn flamethrower |
Weapon Items 2 | /spawn double_edge_sword |
Weapon Items 3 | /spawn void_axe |
Weapon Items 4 | /spawn void_sword |
Weapon Items 5 | /spawn iron_dao |
Weapon Items 6 | /spawn emerald_sword |
Weapon Items 7 | /spawn iron_sword |
Weapon Items 8 | /spawn wood_bow |
Weapon Items 9 | /spawn big_wood_sword |
Weapon Items 10 | /spawn emerald_dao |
Weapon Items 11 | /spawn wood_dao |
Weapon Items 12 | /spawn stone_sword |
Weapon Items 13 | /spawn rageblade |
Weapon Items 14 | /spawn twirlblade |
Weapon Items 15 | /spawn frying_pan |
Weapon Items 16 | /spawn battle_axe |
Weapon Items 17 | /spawn bear_claws |
Weapon Items 18 | /spawn golden_bow |
Weapon Items 19 | /spawn infernal_saber |
Weapon Items 20 | /spawn tnt X |
Weapon Items 21 | /spawn boba_blaster |
Weapon Items 22 | /spawn rocket_launcher |
Weapon Items 23 | /spawn big_wooden_sword |
Weapon Items 24 | /spawn tactical_crossbow |
Weapon Items 25 | /spawn taser |
Weapon Items 26 | /spawn player_vacuum |
Weapon Items 27 | /spawn light_sword |
Weapon Items 28 | /spawn invisible_landmine |
Weapon Items 29 | /spawn wizard_staff |
Weapon Items 30 | /spawn vacuum |
Weapon Items 31 | /spawn scythe |
Weapon Items 32 | /spawn baguette |
Weapon Items 33 | /spawn wood_sword |
Weapon Items 34 | /spawn mass_hammer |
Weapon Items 35 | /spawn wood_crossbow |
Weapon Items 36 | /spawn knockback_fish |
Weapon Items 37 | /spawn baseball_bat |
Weapon Items 38 | /spawn paint_shotgun |
Weapon Items 39 | /spawn feather_bow |
Weapon Items 40 | /spawn diamond_sword |
Weapon Items 41 | /spawn carrot_cannon |
Weapon Items 42 | /spawn diamond_dao |
Weapon Items 43 | /spawn ice_sword |
Weapon Items 44 | /spawn stone_dao |
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Top 5 Spawn Ammo Items
Ammo Items | Ammo Items Command |
Ammo Items 1 | /spawn arrow X |
Ammo Items 2 | /spawn firework_arrow |
Ammo Items 3 | /spawn boba_pearl |
Ammo Items 4 | /spawn carrot_rocket |
Ammo Items 5 | /spawn rocket_launcher_missile X |
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Top 64 Spawn Block Items
Block Items | Block Items Command |
Block Items 1 | /spawn clay_gray |
Block Items 2 | /spawn clay_dark_brown |
Block Items 3 | /spawn wood_plank_spruce |
Block Items 4 | /spawn clay_dark_green |
Block Items 5 | /spawn snow X |
Block Items 6 | /spawn clay_red |
Block Items 7 | /spawn wood_plank_birch |
Block Items 8 | /spawn dirt X |
Block Items 9 | /spawn granite_polished |
Block Items 10 | /spawn oak_log |
Block Items 11 | /spawn brick X |
Block Items 12 | /spawn andesite |
Block Items 13 | /spawn wool_red |
Block Items 14 | /spawn sand X |
Block Items 15 | /spawn marble_pillar X |
Block Items 16 | /spawn ceramic X |
Block Items 17 | /spawn diorite_polished |
Block Items 18 | /spawn obsidian X |
Block Items 19 | /spawn clay_tan |
Block Items 20 | /spawn andesite_polished |
Block Items 21 | /spawn cobblestone X |
Block Items 22 | /spawn wood_plank_oak |
Block Items 23 | /spawn stone X |
Block Items 24 | /spawn clay_light_brown |
Block Items 25 | /spawn diorite |
Block Items 26 | /spawn birch_log X |
Block Items 27 | /spawn clay_purple |
Block Items 28 | /spawn diamond_block X |
Block Items 29 | /spawn ice X |
Block Items 30 | /spawn wool_pink |
Block Items 31 | /spawn slate_brick |
Block Items 32 | /spawn wool_purple |
Block Items 33 | /spawn marble X |
Block Items 34 | /spawn wool_orange |
Block Items 35 | /spawn granite |
Block Items 36 | /spawn stone_slab |
Block Items 37 | /spawn clay |
Block Items 38 | /spawn slime_block |
Block Items 39 | /spawn clay_orange |
Block Items 40 | /spawn stone_brick X |
Block Items 41 | /spawn clay_yellow |
Block Items 42 | /spawn bedrock |
Block Items 43 | /spawn glass X |
Block Items 44 | /spawn red_sandstone |
Block Items 45 | /spawn clay_pink |
Block Items 46 | /spawn clay_black |
Block Items 47 | /spawn smoke_block X |
Block Items 48 | /spawn spruce_log |
Block Items 49 | /spawn grass X |
Block Items 50 | /spawn apple X |
Block Items 51 | /spawn emerald_block X |
Block Items 52 | /spawn hickory_log |
Block Items 53 | /spawn wool_green |
Block Items 54 | /spawn clay_light_green |
Block Items 55 | /spawn bed X |
Block Items 56 | /spawn wool_yellow |
Block Items 57 | /spawn wool_white |
Block Items 58 | /spawn wool_blue |
Block Items 59 | /spawn clay_blue |
Block Items 60 | /spawn fisherman_coral X |
Block Items 61 | /spawn concrete_green |
Block Items 62 | /spawn wool_cyan |
Block Items 63 | /spawn wood_plank_maple |
Block Items 64 | /spawn clay_white |
Top 58 Spawn Miscellaneous Items
Miscellaneous Items | Miscellaneous Items Command |
Miscellaneous Items 1 | /spawn beehive X |
Miscellaneous Items 2 | /spawn raven X |
Miscellaneous Items 3 | /spawn duck_spawn_egg |
Miscellaneous Items 4 | /spawn bee X |
Miscellaneous Items 5 | /spawn break_speed_axolotl |
Miscellaneous Items 6 | /spawn cauldron |
Miscellaneous Items 7 | /spawn broken_enchant_table |
Miscellaneous Items 8 | /spawn brewing_cauldron |
Miscellaneous Items 9 | /spawn vending_machine |
Miscellaneous Items 10 | /spawn defense_banner |
Miscellaneous Items 11 | /spawn enchant_table |
Miscellaneous Items 12 | /spawn damage_banner |
Miscellaneous Items 13 | /spawn telepearl X |
Miscellaneous Items 14 | /spawn charge_shield |
Miscellaneous Items 15 | /spawn void_turret_tablet |
Miscellaneous Items 16 | /spawn personal_chest |
Miscellaneous Items 17 | /spawn balloon X |
Miscellaneous Items 18 | /spawn cannon |
Miscellaneous Items 19 | /spawn watering_can |
Miscellaneous Items 20 | /spawn clone |
Miscellaneous Items 21 | /spawn shield |
Miscellaneous Items 22 | /spawn thorns |
Miscellaneous Items 23 | /spawn miner_pickaxe |
Miscellaneous Items 24 | /spawn stone_player_block |
Miscellaneous Items 25 | /spawn turtle_shell |
Miscellaneous Items 26 | /spawn melon X |
Miscellaneous Items 27 | /spawn minicopter |
Miscellaneous Items 28 | /spawn tablet |
Miscellaneous Items 29 | /spawn void_portal |
Miscellaneous Items 30 | /spawn crook |
Miscellaneous Items 31 | /spawn gumdrop_bounce_pad X |
Miscellaneous Items 32 | /spawn mushrooms |
Miscellaneous Items 33 | /spawn hammer |
Miscellaneous Items 34 | /spawn jade_hammer |
Miscellaneous Items 35 | /spawn camera_turret |
Miscellaneous Items 36 | /spawn hang_glider |
Miscellaneous Items 37 | /spawn damage_axolotl X |
Miscellaneous Items 38 | /spawn shield_axolotl X |
Miscellaneous Items 39 | /spawn melon_seeds X |
Miscellaneous Items 40 | /spawn ember X |
Miscellaneous Items 41 | /spawn grappling_hook |
Miscellaneous Items 42 | /spawn carrot_seeds X |
Miscellaneous Items 43 | /spawn teleport_block |
Miscellaneous Items 44 | /spawn zipline X |
Miscellaneous Items 45 | /spawn fishing_rod |
Miscellaneous Items 46 | /spawn chest |
Miscellaneous Items 47 | /spawn guitar |
Miscellaneous Items 48 | /spawn health_regen_axolotl_X |
Miscellaneous Items 49 | /spawn void_turret |
Miscellaneous Items 50 | /spawn stopwatch X |
Miscellaneous Items 51 | /spawn big_shield |
Miscellaneous Items 52 | /spawn guided_missile X |
Miscellaneous Items 53 | /spawn juggernaut_crate X |
Miscellaneous Items 54 | /spawn flower |
Miscellaneous Items 55 | /spawn drone |
Miscellaneous Items 56 | /spawn void_crystal |
Miscellaneous Items 57 | /spawn heal_banner |
Miscellaneous Items 58 | /airdrop juggernaut |
Top 13 Spawn Potion Items
Potion Items | Potion Items Command |
Potion Items 1 | /spawn heal_splash_potion |
Potion Items 2 | /spawn poison_splash_potion |
Potion Items 3 | /spawn big_head_potion |
Potion Items 4 | /spawn smoke_bomb |
Potion Items 5 | /spawn forcefield_potion |
Potion Items 6 | /spawn jump_potion |
Potion Items 7 | /spawn speed_potion |
Potion Items 8 | /spawn time_bomb_potion |
Potion Items 9 | /spawn giant_potion |
Potion Items 10 | /spawn sleep_splash_potion |
Potion Items 11 | /spawn mini_shield |
Potion Items 12 | /spawn invisibility_potion |
Potion Items 13 | /spawn shrink_potion |
Top 17 Spawn Throwable Items
Throwable Items | Throwable Items Command |
Throwable Items 1 | /spawn snowball X |
Throwable Items 2 | /spawn throwable_bridge |
Throwable Items 3 | /spawn spear X |
Throwable Items 4 | /spawn large_rock |
Throwable Items 5 | /spawn impulse_grenade |
Throwable Items 6 | /spawn oil_consumable X |
Throwable Items 7 | /spawn fireball X |
Throwable Items 8 | /spawn spirit X |
Throwable Items 9 | /spawn lasso X |
Throwable Items 10 | /spawn robbery_ball |
Throwable Items 11 | /spawn santa_bomb |
Throwable Items 12 | /spawn frosted_snowball |
Throwable Items 13 | /spawn heat_seeking_rock X |
Throwable Items 14 | /spawn swap_ball |
Throwable Items 15 | /spawn throwing_knife X |
Throwable Items 16 | /spawn black_hole_bomb |
Throwable Items 17 | /spawn smoke_grenade |
Top 13 Spawn Tool Items
Tool Items | Tool Items Command |
Tool Items 1 | /spawn diamond_axe |
Tool Items 2 | /spawn iron_axe |
Tool Items 3 | /spawn stone_pickaxe |
Tool Items 4 | /spawn wood_axe |
Tool Items 5 | /spawn portal_gun |
Tool Items 6 | /spawn metal_detector |
Tool Items 7 | /spawn bee_net |
Tool Items 8 | /spawn iron_pickaxe |
Tool Items 9 | /spawn shears |
Tool Items 10 | /spawn wood_pickaxe |
Tool Items 11 | /spawn stone_pickaxe |
Tool Items 12 | /spawn grapple_hook |
Tool Items 13 | /spawn diamond_pickaxe |
Top 9 World Spawns
World Spawns | World Spawns Command |
World Spawns 1 | /spawn spirit_entity X |
World Spawns 2 | /spawn monster X |
World Spawns 3 | /spawn duck_entity X |
World Spawns 4 | /spawn monster X |
World Spawns 5 | /spawn dodo_entity X |
World Spawns 6 | /spawn beeless_entity X |
World Spawns 7 | /spawn bee_entity X |
World Spawns 8 | /spawn beeless_entity X |
World Spawns 9 | /spawn ghost X |
How to get INFINITE health in Roblox Bedwars commands
Top 2 Spawn Consumable Items
Spawn Consumable | Spawn Consumable Command |
Spawn Consumable 1 | /spawn pie X |
Spawn Consumable 2 | /spawn apple X |
Top 3 Way To Spawn Currency
Spawn Currency | Spawn Currency Command |
Spawn Currency 1 | /spawn diamond X |
Spawn Currency 2 | /spawn emerald X |
Spawn Currency 3 | /spawn iron X |
Top 3 Commands To Spawn Lucky Blocks
Lucky Blocks | Lucky Blocks Command |
Lucky Blocks 1 | /spawn lucky_block |
Lucky Blocks 2 | /spawn lucky_block_trap |
Lucky Blocks 3 | /spawn purple_lucky_block X |
Best Way To Play BedWars Roblox game
- Begin by joining the Roblox BedWars queue located in the Lobby to be able to play
- Protect your base in-game. After it’s gone, you are unable to Respawn!
- The next step is to gather funds for team upgrades and things.
- Lastly, take out enemies’ beds and eliminate opponents to win.
Game Control Key for Bedwars
- Press E Key For Opening Inventory in the Roblox game
- Press T Key For Using Spray in the Roblox game
- Press Q Key For Droping items in the Roblox game
- Press CTRL Key for Using Lock Camera in Roblox game
- Press SHIFT Key For Using Sprint in the Roblox game
I hope you’ll benefit from our article. We hope you will benefit from this Team Generator Roblox Bedwars Command article. In this article, we’ve covered the complete Roblox Team Generator Bedwars Command list to aid you in playing the game more enjoyable.
In case you’ve got any concerns regarding the Team Generator Roblox Bedwars Command topic, you can leave us a message.
Roblox Bedwars Commands List With Custom Match & Chat
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I am Master Freak, passionate about exploring the gaming world. I have intensive gaming experience and analyzing gaming skills. I am active in this gaming community and always ready to learn from other gamers. And I am sharing my gaming passion with my writing.