mistakes Free Fire MAX players make while pushing to Heroic rank
Ranking up in Free Fire MAX is a matter of pride and prestige. The higher the rank, the more respected the player is within the community.
Players spend hours upon end playing numerous matches in hopes of reaching these ranks. Sadly, most don't achieve the same.
While most of it boils down to lack of skills, a lot of the time, it's due to mistakes made in combat.
Reasons why Free Fire MAX players fail to reach the Heroic rank
Underestimating opponent
Free Fire MAX, at times, they feel invincible. This allows them to drop their guard in every match and take things easy. In battle, this results in them underestimating their opponents.
Playing too aggressively to earn more point
The fastest way to earn points is by securing kills in combat. Unfortunately, this is a high-risk, high-reward situation.
Using the wrong combination of abilitie
The user's playstyle and even decide what type of weapons are best suited for combat. Aside from this, they even help buff up the player's offensive and defensive capabilities.
Having a teammate with a large skill-gap
Often during a rank push in Free Fire MAX, players tend to play in teams. This makes the monotony of long hours of grinding more bearable
Failing to implement strategy in-game
In unranked matches, brute force and firepower can be used effectively in combat. Opponents get overwhelmed and eventually get eliminated. Sadly, this shock and awe tactic rarely works in the ranked mode.